Ma first post was about personality traits and here comes a little bit of body language-it is with the way we look at people.Eyes are considered to show emotion,but do they really show that? i feel that the emotional impact of eyes occurs because of their use and the use of face around them.
With the length of glance,opening of eyelids,by squiting ..any meaning can be sent out

* with unfamiliar people- it is better  not to stare at  them.but to make them into people rather than objects  we must avoid ignoring them. generally we look at them ,not long enough with our eyes conveying ..i know you are there but i dont wanna intrude into your privacy.

*on passing encounter-when we meet someone while passing the street,we give a quick look at them,then turn our face down or away.this gives a message that,i have seen you and im not afraid of you

*suppose you are wearing these dark glares with the intention that you can stare as much you feel like and no one would know that you are on watch,itz just a  mere self deception .To the other person,dark glares indicate that the wearer is always staring at better dont walk  around with dark glares!

*in trains and buses- we meet lots of people..we look them briefly without locking we say with our looks that..i dont know who you are but i dont intend to stare at you

so be carefull with ya looks..will come up with more of this kind soon,hope you guys liked it.chill out dudes!


Lakshmi Bharadwaj said...

hello! :) thx fr deciding to follow my blog, am honoured!! hey, i seriously loved the template of ur blog...u used html?? anyway, agree with you!! eyes do say a lot, and we must be careful with what we convey through them. will keep poppin in here, if u dont mind! happy blogging! :)

Uncertain Princess said...

no dear..i downloaded it. in love ma blog now!!even im honored,keep visitin...